Background checks


Background checks can provide peace of mind and a foundation of trust.

Typically, background checks include employment history, civil and criminal records, references, and other information revealing one’s character and identity.

Websites that offer background checks can be helpful in some cases. However, many of these sources reveal only basic information and history. As a result, this can leave you questioning the accuracy and credibility of the record and source.

Some of the most common reasons for a thorough background check can include:

  • A new hire or potential employee
  • A personal or business relationship
  • Daycare providers
  • Eldercare providers

The Red Spade private investigation team has access to databases that provide extensive information to perform a premium background check.

Help from a licensed private investigator can provide you with peace of mind. Contact us to find out how we can help fulfill your request.

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Wichita, KS 67216
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